Burning Shadows Spells
Power Spells
Power Ball: Ob 4^, 2 actions
- Range: Presence Area: Tens of Paces
- Duration: Instantaneous Cost: 12 rp
Power Bolt: Ob 3^, 1 actions
- Range: Presence Area: Single Target
- Duration: Instantaneous Cost: 8 rp
You explode an area or target with a spell made of pure magical power, hoping to simply destroy them. This is a Weapon with a range of Missile. Use Will-1 to determine IMS with an Add of 2, VA 1, Range and Cover: Extreme 3D, Optimal 3D. Instead of adding to damage, extra successes may be spent to raise the VA of the spell.
Healing Ob 8-Essence^ 4 Actions
- Range: Personal Area: Single Target
- Duration: Hours Cost: 16
You place your hands on the target, and infuse them with magic. You increase the target's health by +1D, plus your margin of success. This spell lasts several hours, possibly allowing several health tests.
Recover Ob 7-Essence 2 Actions
- Range: Personal Area: Single Target
- Duration: Instantaneous Cost 8
You place your hand on the target and force the target to recover. Pick one of the target's wounds, and the target immediately makes a Health test. You may only cast this spell on a wound once.
Staunch Ob As Wound 2 Actions
- Range: Personal Area: Single Target
- Duration: Instantaneous Cost 8
This spell allows you to use your Sorcerery skill as Surgury in order to stop the bleeding of a wound. Select a wound when you cast this spell, and attempt to cure the wound. You may only cast this spell on a wound once.
Infusion of Stats Ob Stat+1^ 4 Actions
- Range: Personal Area: Single Target
- Duration: Sustained Cost: 24
This spell is actually a family of spells, one for each of the six stats. By casting this spell on a target - they add your margin of success to the stat for as long as you sustain it.